Matthew Predergast completed his Eagle Scout project, a school landscape improvement project, with Scout Troop 29 at Oakdale Heights Elementary School over the weekend. Thank you Matthew and Troop 29!
8 months ago, OCESD
Improved Landscaping at Oakdale Heights
Scouts working on landscaping project
Improved grass space
Scouts removing Debris
Here is a photo of Dr. Holtom visiting special education classrooms in the district this week.
9 months ago, OCESD
Dr Holtom visiting with special education students.
Welcome to OCESD Officer Xiong. Officer Xiong is our new SRO, and stopped by to meet the students, and shoot some hoops. We are happy to have him. Make sure you say Hi, and let him know he is very welcome at Oakdale, if you see him around town.
9 months ago, John Bettencourt
Officer Xiong
Community Reminder: School is back in session, remember to follow the school zone speed limits!
9 months ago, OCESD
School Speed Limit 25 When Children are Present sign
OCESD Teachers, Classified Staff, and Administrators met for a day of team-building, important messages from Superintendent Holtom, and training on student behavior strategies and homeless youth support.
9 months ago, OCESD
OCESD teachers in a training with Dr. Holtom talking
Reminder: First Day of School is Wednesday, August 16!
9 months ago, OCESD
OCESD Middle Schools are piloting some very cool new technology called Eglass this coming school year!
10 months ago, OCESD
Eglass display reads "OCESD Eglass welcomes you to school 23-24"
The goats are about done reducing the wildfire fuel load at Ishi Hills for this summer. Hope we see them back next summer!
10 months ago, OCESD
Goats eating some low leaves at Ishi Hills
OCESD staff and their families show their support for the Oroville community at the National Night Out!
10 months ago, OCESD
OCESD Staff at a booth
The OCESD administrative and office teams from each site met today for a full day of training preparing for the coming school year!
10 months ago, OCESD Staff
Dr Holtom speaking at a meeting
The OCESD administrative and office teams from each site met today for a full day of training preparing for the coming school year!
10 months ago, OCESD Staff
Dr Holtom speaking at a meeting
Come visit OCESD's booth for freebies, job opportunities and school info at the National Night Out, Tuesday, August 1, 2023, at Martin Luther King Park, 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM
10 months ago, OCESD
National Night Out. August 1, 2023 Martin Luther King Park, 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Our community is mourning the tragic loss of Amadeus Miller Ramos. The Axiom Youth Center is hosting times over the next couple of weeks for anyone affected by this tragedy or the tragedy of other recent teen deaths to get Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual support. Please join us on Tuesday, July 25th from 2-3:30 pm or Tuesday, August 1st from 2-3:30 pm at the Axiom 1420 Myers Street. There will be mental health professionals and safe volunteers to help and support you during this time of great need.
10 months ago, OCESD
Axiom EMS Support Flyer
OCESD is consolidating its Twitter accounts. Individual site accounts will no longer be active and all OCESD Twitter messages will be posted at @OroCityElem Please follow us there.
10 months ago, OCESD
Butte County Public Health is providing Back-To-School Immunization Clinics. More info can be found here:
10 months ago, OCESD
Butte County California Logo
Tonight's OCESD Board Meeting may be the final opportunity for public input on the OCESD Trustee Area maps. If you are unable to make the meeting, you can use the documents found here to express your opinion and input regarding new draft boundary lines for the OCESD Board of Trustees elections BEFORE tonight's Board Meeting at 5 PM. Please turn completed forms or feedback to
11 months ago, OCESD
Community Reminder: All OCESD sites have an extensive surveillance camera system that monitors the campus and surrounding areas 24/7. Also, we do prosecute those who commit crimes on our campuses.
11 months ago, OCESD
car at night on camera
Mrs. Huru's class is learning about money by playing the "Pig Game" coins are awarded for the way the pigs land. If they land on their side they get a penny, on their snout a quarter, Then students add of the coins they collected by rolling and write it donw on the white board.
11 months ago, Teresa Lukanik
student learning  about coins
Playing game
Student and teacher playing coin game
Goats have begun grazing at Ishi Hills Middle School to reduce fuels and help prevent fires.
12 months ago, OCESD Staff
goats grazing in a field
baby goats in a pen
fire truck and crowd watching grazing demonstration
Dear Families of Oroville City Elementary School District, It is with a heavy heart and profound sadness that I reach out to you today to address a tragic incident that has deeply affected our school community. We have recently learned about the untimely loss of one of our students. Our thoughts and deepest condolences go out to the family and loved ones who are enduring this unimaginable grief. We are aware that this tragic event has garnered attention on social media platforms and local news outlets. Please remember that during such difficult times, it is important to exercise caution and respect the privacy of those directly affected. We must come together as a community to support one another and honor the memory of the student we have lost. I want to assure you that the Oroville Police Department has initiated an investigation into the circumstances surrounding this tragedy. As a school district, we will cooperate fully and provide any assistance required throughout their inquiry. Our primary focus is to ensure that all necessary information is gathered thoroughly and timely, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of the events leading to this heartbreaking loss. In times like these, it is crucial that we come together as a community to support one another. We understand the tremendous impact such a loss can have on our students, families, and staff. In collaboration with the Butte County Office of Education, we are working diligently to provide counseling services and support to anyone in our school community who may be in need. Our dedicated team of professionals will be available to offer assistance, guidance, and a listening ear to help navigate through this difficult period. Students affected by the incident will process this in their own way. Please be sensitive to any changes in your child's behavior. Over the next few days, please encourage your child to express their feelings and listen attentively. Some of the common reactions that children experience when reacting to a traumatic event are: · Restlessness, nervous behavior · Trouble concentrating · Difficulty sleeping, nightmares · "Clingy" behavior, fear of being alone · Asking questions over and over again · Remembering previous losses and events Please take the time to reach out to one another, offering comfort and support to those who may be struggling. We must remember that grief knows no timetable, and everyone copes with loss in their own unique way. Be patient and understanding, as a simple act of kindness can make a difference. If you have any concerns, questions, or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact your child's school. We are here to support you through this difficult time. Together, we will navigate this painful journey and emerge stronger as a community. With deepest sympathies, Dr. Holtom
almost 1 year ago, OCESD