We saw significant increases in March referrals, but significantly decreased referrals in April. Referrals for playground behavior is still our area of concern:

  • Janurary - Total referrals 63 
    • 61.9% of referrals were related to playground incidents. 
  • February - Total referrals 59
    • 49.58%,
  • March -      Total referrals 166 
    • 41.7 %
  • April (to present) - Total referrals 30
    • 46.67% 

During a recent training we discussed we weren't seeing a corrolation between beahviors reported and referrals, so referrals went up significantly. The purpose was to have better data to identifiy areas needing attention.

We continue our Positive Behavior and Instructional Support (PBIS) efforts are helping at school. We have implemented weekly lessons that address school wide behavior expectations. Each week we target a different area of school, for example, hallway, cafeteria, classroom, and playground to name a few.
